
Cheers to Good Decisions and Looking Forward

The right choice isn't always the obvious one. Here's to taking chances and surrounding yourself with the best people. Cheers ...and many thanks!

In the fall of 2020, with a newborn bouncing on my lap, a worldwide pandemic underway, and the economy well into a recession, I thought to myself: hey, this would be a great time to start up a consulting firm in the financial services industry!

Yeah, I chuckled, too.

But so far, launching Further has turned out to be a pretty damn good decision.

It hasn’t been easy. On some days you feel invincible, and on others the universe decides to quickly make you feel insignificantly small. But with every frustrating step back, we’re making a couple proud leaps forward.

We’re now into our third year, doing high-profile, impactful work with clients of all sizes, industries, and geographies. And while some clients have known us on an individual level for many years, Further itself is getting a reputation of a firm that not only provides good solutions to important challenges, but actionable steps to making those solutions become a reality as well.

So as I reflect on the year past and prepare for the year ahead, I offer my sincere thanks.

First, to our clients – the forward-thinking organizations and individuals who took a chance on a new firm with some familiar faces: thank you for being a part of our growth journey. Ours is a relationship business, and you don’t have a business without great relationships. You’ve invested in us, and we’ve invested in you, and I can’t wait to do more great things together.

And second, to our amazing team at Further Advisory who have worked tirelessly to make all this possible: I can’t imagine doing it without you. What especially impresses me is your ability to keep learning, adapting, and then applying new skills in the course of your work. That, plus your wisdom to separate fad from phenomenon and keep us focused on what’s most important.

As we turn to a new year, I’m so excited to see what the future holds for us all.

My sleeves are rolled up. Let’s do this.

Further Advisory is a boutique management consultancy focused on converting strategic vision into business reality. We always go the extra mile, equipping our clients with critical insights and plans for navigating challenges and accelerating change.

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From Strategy to Reality®

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