Strategy Insights

Pragmatic advice and insights from Further’s experts on subjects most relevant to modern business and technology leaders


Best Practices: Reliable or Relics?

When you find a formula that works, it can become tempting to write it in stone. Here’s why it might be time to dust off your best practices, and how to ensure they evolve with the times.

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Revving Up the Speed of Cross-Border Payments

We’ve been conditioned to expect instant gratification with the emergence of on-demand entertainment, immediate content availability, real-time communication, and same-day delivery – except when it comes to cross-border payments. Blockchain technology is aiming to be the answer.

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Best Practices: Reliable or Relics?

When you find a formula that works, it can become tempting to write it in stone. Here’s why it might be time to dust off your best practices, and how to ensure they evolve with the times.

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Revving Up the Speed of Cross-Border Payments

We’ve been conditioned to expect instant gratification with the emergence of on-demand entertainment, immediate content availability, real-time communication, and same-day delivery – except when it comes to cross-border payments. Blockchain technology is aiming to be the answer.

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