Integrated Risk Management Insights

Pragmatic advice and insights from Further’s experts on subjects most relevant to modern business and technology leaders

A Recipe for Risk: Technology Clutter

No one needs multiple ice cream scoops, and no company needs multiple applications for the same task. Here’s why cutting the tech clutter is critical for minimizing cybersecurity risk, and how to do it.

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics 

We’ve never been more awash in data, or better equipped to use it. So with all of these tools and insights to guide our decisions, how do we still so often get it wrong?

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Traditional AI: Don’t Just Let It Be

The rise of Generative AI (Gen AI) has captivated the world, with companies eager to adopt it. But in the rush to capitalize on this shiny new trend, are they overlooking the enduring value of Traditional AI?

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The Evolution of KYC: Trends to Watch

For FIs, the discipline around “Knowing Your Customer” is critical. Single mistakes can have very large implications. We’ve observed several trends for evolving and maturing their KYC practice… and keeping up with the competition.

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Managing the Risks of AI

If there’s anything science fiction movies have taught us, it’s to stay one step ahead of the robots. So how do you help ensure your company’s AI experience is less SkyNet and more WALL-E?

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AI Innovation vs. Regulation

Will the regulators ever be able to keep pace with AI innovation? It will likely always be a struggle, so perhaps the better answer is not in new laws, but new principles for artificial intelligence.

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A Recipe for Risk: Technology Clutter

No one needs multiple ice cream scoops, and no company needs multiple applications for the same task. Here’s why cutting the tech clutter is critical for minimizing cybersecurity risk, and how to do it.

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics 

We’ve never been more awash in data, or better equipped to use it. So with all of these tools and insights to guide our decisions, how do we still so often get it wrong?

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Traditional AI: Don’t Just Let It Be

The rise of Generative AI (Gen AI) has captivated the world, with companies eager to adopt it. But in the rush to capitalize on this shiny new trend, are they overlooking the enduring value of Traditional AI?

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The Evolution of KYC: Trends to Watch

For FIs, the discipline around “Knowing Your Customer” is critical. Single mistakes can have very large implications. We’ve observed several trends for evolving and maturing their KYC practice… and keeping up with the competition.

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Managing the Risks of AI

If there’s anything science fiction movies have taught us, it’s to stay one step ahead of the robots. So how do you help ensure your company’s AI experience is less SkyNet and more WALL-E?

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AI Innovation vs. Regulation

Will the regulators ever be able to keep pace with AI innovation? It will likely always be a struggle, so perhaps the better answer is not in new laws, but new principles for artificial intelligence.

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